How to Know if Your EMR Training Was a Success

The importance of end-user training cannot be over emphasised for a successful electronic medical records system implementation. While this information is nothing new, administrators and providers may still find it difficult to determine when EMR training has been effective. Fortunately, there are performance indicators and measurable outcomes that can help you determine whether or not an EMR training system has worked for your practice.

  • Did EMR Training Increase Accuracy?

There is well-documented evidence of EHR systems positively affecting medical practice structure and processes following an effective implementation. In this way, coding accuracy can be a very good indicator of successful training of end users such as providers and their staff. Trends in inaccuracies, such as incorrectly coded patient histories, medication dosages, and more can reflect gaps in training where users need additional instruction or support.

  • Are There Variations in Workflow?

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Naturally, there will always be some variation in workflow between providers and staff based on personal preferences and style. However, significant variations in identical processes (i.e. medication orders, pharmacy refill requests, or charting items) can be evidence of a critical training gap. One common contributor to such variations is an updated training curriculum, either offered internally or through an EHR vendor, resulting in providers who received two different training programs for the same system. Such differences are a good indicator of where training gaps can be closed.

  • Is There a Reduction in Billing Errors?

One critical and easily quantifiable indicator of successful EHR implementation is billing. A successful training program will result in proper and correct coding from billing staff, along with confidence and competency navigating coding regarding insurance, office procedures, Medicare and Medicaid variations, and more. Quantifying billing errors before, during, and after “go-live” can help a practice optimize its EHR system and demonstrate palpable benefits and returns from a successful implementation.

  • Have Your Providers and Staff Accepted the Records System?

One of the many benefits of adopting an EHR system is increased efficiency and productivity, which is best fostered by system acceptance. Acceptance indicators include feedback from the staff and providers themselves and affect overall morale and EHR utilization. Once providers and staff are receptive and committed to the EHR system, efficiencies can be observed and quantified through waiting room times, technician workup durations, and other measures. These are helpful indicators to determine the overall efficiency of a medical practice, and can also reflect the success of an end-user training program for the records system.

Applying EMR Training Indicators to Optimization

Following EMR training indicators is a great way to ensure that end-user training has been effective. But there are other benefits to these analyses as well, and tracking training outcomes can become a significant part of optimization. Following the implementation of an EHR system, optimization is critical to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your records system.

At ZH Healthcare, we understand that a successful EHR implementation relies on confidence and competency from all providers and staff. That’s why we offer unique, tailored training for our Health IT as a Service (HITaaS) systems like blueEHR, and are readily available with dependable support before, during, and after implementation. Contact us today to learn more about our medical records training and support services, and discover how we can transform the way you do EMR.


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