Jun 01 , 2016

Why EHR Customization Matters


Electronic health records shouldn’t be frustrating. However, many providers are finding themselves disappointed or aggravated by EHR systems that don’t provide the tools they need to support the very best care for their patients.

In fact, the American Academy of Family Physicians has noted a 30 percent decrease in physician satisfaction with EHRs within the past five years. Reasons for this dissatisfaction include inefficient systems, deluges of tools that don’t apply to their practice or even generic modules that lead to inaccurate documentation.

Fortunately, customization presents a key solution to these issues and much more.

Your Practice, Your EHR

Every practice is unique, and this should be reflected in each health records system. An EHR system for a small practice will need to operate differently than that of a large practice. Layouts, prescriptions, scheduling, patient education, and countless other EHR tools should reflect the needs of providers and their patients. Customized EHR systems impact not only the efficiency of providers and their staff but also the experiences and health outcomes of patients.

The Impact of EHR Customization

Tailoring electronic health records to the unique needs of an individual medical practice impacts all parties involved, from the physicians and their staff, to administrators, to patients. For physicians, EHR customization can result in improved specificity and accuracy of data, whether with a patient or reviewing records outside the exam room.

EHR customization examples can include setting dosage parameters, accommodating in-house test results, or even modifications to make the system mimic familiar and intuitive paper charts.

A system that is carefully tuned to the needs of a specific practice is far more efficient for users, and saves time for both providers and patients alike. And those specific needs are naturally different across varying specialities. An ophthalmology practice, for example, would likely benefit from a very different EHR layout than a physical therapy practice or an urgent care clinic.

Not only can the speed and ease of utility improve with the adoption of a customized EHR, but also the quality of that data and accuracy of the information. A 2006 study illustrated that after customizing EHRs, more than 50% of surveyed practices reported improved accuracy and quality of records. More accurate records and data means better patient care and ultimately better health outcomes.

Configuring the Best EHR

Determining the configuration of a system to maximize its usefulness and alignment with best practices requires careful planning. Resources who can help a medical practice ideally customize their systems include EHR vendors and third-party consulting firms, and of course, in-house experts such as providers and administrators who understand the practice’s needs and challenges best.

Customization of an EHR system is an effective method of improving practice efficiency, accuracy, and communication for a medical practice.

At ZH Healthcare, we believe that your EHR shouldn’t be frustrating or ineffective. Our innovative systems empower providers with the best custom systems possible. Contact us to learn more about EHR customization and start getting the most out of your electronic health records system today.